Air Conditioning Repair Available at Cox Chevy

July 25th, 2013 by

Air conditioning gauge with no led displayNothing is worse than being stuck in a hot car with broken air conditioning in the middle of summer. Combine that with a back seat of screaming kids and a dire need to use the rest room, and you could be desperate enough to make a deal with the devil himself. Luckily, Cox Chevy in Bradenton specializes in air conditioning repair. So if you feel your cold air is on the fritz, feel free to make an appointment with our service team.  We’d be happy to help you get the care you need for a price that won’t make you frown.

The Beauty of Automatic Climate Control

Automatic climate control is becoming an increasing popular feature on cars. Once reserved for just higher end luxury models, climate control can be found on many affordable Chevy models, including the 2013 Cruze and the 2013 Impala

One of the downfalls of simple air conditioning is it’s tough to find that Goldilocks setting: that sweet spot between just too warm and just too cool. Though it is a bit satisfying to drive around in the sweltering heat wearing a sweater inside your own personal igloo, automatic climate control allows you to pick that “just right” setting, and keep it that way, so that the temperature in your car is the last thing on your mind.

Working just like a thermostat in your home, automatic climate control continually checks the temperature in the vehicle and adjusts the airflow so the atmosphere stays the the way you want it.

Save Gas and Roll up the Windows

Don’t fall prey to believing that rolling down your windows and turning off the air conditioning will save you gas. Rolling down the windows creates excessive drag on your vehicle, causing your engine to work even harder to overcome wind resistance, thus lowering your fuel efficiency. Studies have been run that prove that running the A/C causes your vehicle to burn less fuel than having the windows down. So, roll ’em up, save on your gas bill, and be more comfortable.

Posted in Chevrolet Services